Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)


Township of Selwyn

Request for Tax Certificate, Work Orders, Building Permit, Survey and Zoning Information



Did you know you can order a Tax Certificate (does not include zoning/work orders etc.) and pay online by debit or credit card? Contact the finance department to activate your Virtual Town Hall (VTH) account. 

This a dynamic form: as you complete the form, questions and required information will change. Do not print this form, you will receive a PDF copy by email when you click submit. 

If you require Work Orders, Building Permit, Survey and Zoning Information, or if you do not want to submit your Tax Certificate request online, please use this form to make your request. Payment is required before report will be mailed. 

Please allow for a 10 business day turn around time for all requests - rush available for a fee (see below).

Only one request is required for both building department and tax information: Please do not send multiple copies of requests or cheques.


Item Fee Rush*
Tax Certificate $45.00    $55.00
Building Permit Compliance/Work, Order Information $70.00 $87.50
Zoning Information $40.00 $50.00
Survey Compliance $40.00 $50.00
Additional information (ex. Subdivision Agreement Compliance)  $40.00 $50.00
Copies of by-laws, minutes, etc. $0.20/page

*Rush request – an additional fee of 25% per item applies to any request that does not allow 10 business days for processing.

Do you need us to mail you the original signed response?
Is this a rush request?

If you do not know the roll number, please use our VTH Property Search.

Survey enclosed:
Tax Certificate


_____ enclosed _____ not enclosed

Issue of Building Permit

Issue of Work Order: Yes: _____ No: _____ Date:_______________

Work Order/Notice of Deficiency - Minimum Property Standards By-law:



Issue of Building Permit: Yes: _______   No: _______   Date: _____________________

Outstanding: ____________________________________________________________

Development Charges Applicable


Yes: _____ No: _____ $:_______________


Heritage Designation


Designated: _____ Not designated: _____ 


Date house was completed


Date: ______________________

Outstanding Park or Lot Levy


$: ______________________

Local Improvement Charges


$: ______________________

Charges under the Tile Drainage Act, The Drainage Act, The Shoreline Property Assistance Act or Ontario Home Renewal




Any charges for Work Orders, Snow shoveling, Demolition, Hydro, Water or other public utility, or charges under The Telephone Act, Fire Marshals Act, the Public Health Act or Weed Control, etc.




Copies of By-Laws, Minutes, etc.

Fee based on cost per page

Issue of Occupancy Permit


Yes: _____ No: _____ Date:_______________


Copy of Zoning by-law

Fee based on cost per page


Enclosed:_______ To be forwarded: _______ 

Copy of Official Plan

Fee based on cost per page


Enclosed:_______ To be forwarded: _______ 





Is the subject property situated on a Municipally maintained road



Additional information




How would you like to pay for this request?

The foregoing information is for your convenience only and it should be clearly understood that you must satisfy yourself as to whether the premises and the existing or proposed use thereof is or would be in conformity with all applicable by-laws and regulations of the Municipality.

Copies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law are available for purchase from the Municipality or are available on our website

As far as Work Orders and matters of a similar nature, if a file search has revealed there are no outstanding items, you should be cautioned that this may only be because the premises have never been inspected.

The completed information contained on this sheet is, as of this date and to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. (Errors Omissions Excepted).

Dated: _____________________                                _____________________________

                                                                                      Municipal Official

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