Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Application for Trailer or Tourist Camp Operators Licence

Township of Selwyn

Application for Trailer or Tourist Camp Operators Licence

This is a dynamic form: as you complete the form, questions and required information will change. Do not print this form, you will receive a PDF copy by email when you click submit. 

This application is made in accordance with By-Law 2013-03 as amended by By-Law 2022-047.

Before starting this application, please make sure you have the following information in a digital format, ready to upload:

  • A Site Plan which accurately depicts the layout of the trailer park containing the following information:
    • Identify the external boundaries and dimension of the contiguous land holdings of the Trailer Camp or Tourist Camp
    • The location of all temporary or permanent buildings and structures
    • The location of all existing and proposed roads and driveways, water courses, and drainage ditches within or adjacent to the subject lands
    • The location of each campsite including the assigned number and street name
    • The location of sanitary sewage facilities as well as the location and source of drinking water.
    • The location of all garbage storage areas and facilities
    • The location of all other storage areas and facilities on the subject property
    • Any other features considered as being required or pertinent to the application

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, Section 11. All names, addresses and comments will be included in material available to the public in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). Questions about the collection of this information should be made to: Clerk Township of Selwyn Address: 1310 Centre Line, Selwyn, Ontario, K9J 6X5 Telephone: 705-292-9507 extension 221

Purpose of Application:

Registered Owner Information

Agent Information

Is the applicant someone other than the owner of the property?

Property Information

Application Fees

Select preferred application fee payment option



Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Declaration of Applicant or Authorized Agent

That I am the applicant named in the application set out herein and as such have knowledge of the facts hereinafter set forth.

That the number of campsites and the location of all structures and other physical features of the subject Trailer or Tourist Camp remains unchanged from that for which Trailer and Tourist Camp, Establishment Permit Number was issued.

That I have reviewed and that I am familiar with the contents of By-Law 2013-03 as amended by By-Law 2022-047.

Submitted: N/A


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